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Tying Our Problem Solving to Core Competencies

With our young learners, talking about and teaching about any idea requires keeping it front and center in their minds.  It also requires a great deal of direct teaching and repetition.  In Division 11, Mrs. Lang and Ms. Chan have been working with their students to talk about the core competencies required for each activity throughout the day.  In the picture, a student in Division 11 places the skills that he will need for each different activity.  He knows that at recess and lunch, he is going to need to use his "Social" thinking.  He knows that he is going to have to use the skills he has learned to solve friendship and sharing issues.  This is done first thing in the morning so that children are "preloaded" for their day, and as the day progresses, the teacher revisits these competencies with the class.  Keep up the great work Division 11.

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021