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Connecting Home and School: Zones of Regulation Open House

At Tomsett Elementary this school year we have been working on teaching Social Emotional Learning strategies to our students using the Zones of Regulation framework for thinking.  We believed that if students were able to understand their emotions, and use strategies to better regulate their behaviour, then they would be able to have more successful personal relationships, and also achieve more success with their learning at school. 

However, while we believe SEL and Zones of Regulation strategies are important at school, we also believed that if we can establish a connection between home and school, then students have a better chance of learning the strategies and experiencing success!  We invited our families to a Zones of Regulation Open House in our Library Learning Commons, where we shared the common language; phrases, visuals, and strategies, that we were using at school.

We also asked families to complete a survey about their understanding of Tomsett’s actions towards the Zones of Regulation program, and how it is supporting their child’s learning.  Many of our families were quite aware of the program already, and most already had the Zones magnet on their fridge at home (it was one of our survey questions!).

We asked our families these survey questions:

  1. I know about the Zones of Regulation program used at Tomsett? Yes / A little / No
  2. I know about the Zones of Regulation strategies? Yes / A little / No
  3. I use/talk about the Zones of Regulation at home with my child? A lot / A little / Never
  4. Which strategies (types of strategies) does your child use?

(check all those that apply)

-breathing strategies

-counting to 10

-positive self talk (inner coach)

-taking a walk

-tense/squeeze hands/release

-doing stretches

-using fidgets


-listening to music

-lifting something heavy


-talking about it

-thinking about a calm place

-taking a break

-having a drink of water

-having a snack


  1. Is your Zones magnet on your fridge at home?  Yes / No
  2. Do you think the Zones of Regulation program has been helpful for your child? Yes / No



Check out the results, attached!  


Updated: Friday, June 30, 2023