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What's next for 2024-2025...

Staff got together to debrief and reflect on our journey this year. Through our conversation and sharing of our student's learning, we
brainstormed ideas of how to continue growing our DEI learning with the students, staff, and community.
 The following list elaborates on our discussion:
- Extend our group's learning around conversational norms to our whole staff 
- Continue staff book club focused on Indigeneity and Reconciliation. We have started our book club on the book: Wayi Wah. In the fall, our book club would pick up from Chapter 4; incorporating and deepening our FPPL to our reconciliation teaching in and out of the classroom.
- Continue to deepen understanding of truth and reconciliation and actions that can be taken in the classroom. 
- Continuing to develop community partnerships that support REDI
- Creating experiential learning opportunities for students and support REDI work in our community
- Continuing to build relationships with families
- Continue to build relationships within our school through family teams, sharing assemblies, etc.
- Continue to consult with Musqueam regarding the official use of the Thunderbird logo. Through some investigation, about 30 years ago, we were given permission to use the spirit name: Thunderbird. However, as we cannot locate the official documentation, we continue to patiently wait for Musqueam to process an updated accreditation. 
Updated: Saturday, June 29, 2024